Immigration Research: Health Policy, Culture and Health
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Viladrich, A. “We Cannot Let Them Die”: Framing Compassion towards the Health Needs of Unauthorized Immigrants in the United States (U.S.), Qualitative Health Research, 2019; 29(10): 1447-1460.
Viladrich, A. Beyond Welfare Reform: Reframing Undocumented Immigrants' Entitlement to Health Care in the United States. Social Science & Medicine. 2012; 74; 822-829.
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Fahs, M., A. Viladrich & N. S. Parikh. Immigrants and Urban Aging: Toward a Policy Framework. In N. Freudenberg, S. Klitzman & S. Saegert, eds. Interdisciplinary Urban Health Research and Practice. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 239-270, 2009.
Viladrich, A & A. Abraido-Lanza. Religion and Mental Health Among Immigrants and Minorities in the U.S. In S. Louie & M. Sajatovic, eds. Determinants of Minority Mental Health and Wellness. New York. Springer, 149-174, 2009.
Cook-Martin, D. & A. Viladrich. The Problem with Similarity: Ethnic Affinity Migrants in Spain. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 2009; 35(1) 151-170.